Tony's tale about their boy goat:
Saturday, December 10, 2011
The Goats in Our Family
Tony's tale about their boy goat:
Monday, October 10, 2011
Creative Minds Love Exercise
Friday, September 16, 2011
Food, Bikes & Wit, Thanks to Twitter
Everyone has to get to the point quickly when they tweet - and I've become addicted.
You know I love wine, dogs, bikes and food from the garden. In that vein, here are my Twitter favs: with sample blurbs.
@EatThisNotThat FAT ATTACK: Uno Chicago Grill Classic Deep Dish Pizza (individual size) = 165 g fat = 12.5 Oscar Meyer Cheese Dogs!
@Chow Make hotcakes filled with fresh summer corn and blackberry syrup this weekend
Now I'm on the lookout for witty wine tweets, ideas?
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
Bicycles Keep Us Young
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Nuts and Wine Fight Fat: Who Knew?
Monday, April 25, 2011
Ethnic Food in the Movies
I think movies can totally get you in the mood for joyous ethnic eating. Have you seen these tasty culinary jewels? (via netflix.)
Makes you want to stop by the fruit stand and local Asia/Mexican/Italian market and start the rice pot boiling....
Friday, April 1, 2011
Can Your Town Make You Fat?

I thought that we stay healthy here in the land of vineyards and Farmers' Markets by eating and drinking well and enjoying the great outdoors. Welp, it seems I was only partly right. The town you pick to live in, can make the big difference in how fit and sassy you are.
As Aussie researchers put it, " People living in more populated neighbourhoods with well-connected streets and shops within easy walking distance are more likely to be active and less likely to be obese." Getting out for a coffee or to mail a package or pick up a quart of milk without a car is real exercise. Yes it is.
Here are the facts.
Indeed, "for each kilometre walked by respondents, there was a decrease of 4.8 per cent in the risk of obesity. And for each hour a day spent in their cars, there was an increased risk of obesity of about 6 per cent."
My friend likes to tell me "walk a hound, lose a pound." which is totally true in my household.
Now we can add "Pick a Town, Lose a Pound." Hey, it's a good mantra on the road too, where we can pick hotels in the center of things and use leg-power to get around. Gold Country in the Sierra Foothills is full of such cool, walking towns.
Also, my best tip: CATALINA ISLAND near Los Angeles (in the picture above), where there are nice wine stores, fresh fish tacos and almost no cars at all.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Juanita is Gone
Friday, February 25, 2011
My Ode to Trader Joe's
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Cycling, Coffee and Being Cool
The pretty holiday lights are long gone -- but the cold remains. Ahhh winter.
This month my chilly thoughts have turned to bicycles and social revolution. Between rainstorms we can still cycle, despite the frost and fog. And the more of us who ride our bikes to the corner store, the sooner we can start a revolution away from oversized autos and from what I call the "One Syndrome." One person, one mile, one auto. Even worse is if the one-mile trip is to the gym, where we pay money to pump our legs indoors.
But I'm just ranting now.
Anyway, about bikes. I'm hoping I'm riding a trend. Last year outdoor bike coffee bars popped up in New York, including Rapha's (closed during winter --the snow thing). Every Wednesday evening Rapha's showed classic cycling movies. Around the world there is even more bike action; some even say it's a global trend for 2011.....
Another cool development is that folding bikes are finally becoming mainstream. Years back Hubby and I bought red folding bikes on eBay. They were for weekend jaunts because they fit so nicely in a car trunk or in a small plane. Of course they look foolish with their tiny wheels, so we fondly call them our "clown bikes." Those little bikes have had some adventures, chained outside pubs and diners all over the West. Now folding bikes are cheaper, less than $200, and they come in cloth packs you can carry over your shoulder. Very smart, really. Citizen Bikes are a good example.....
So bikes are making me hopeful about the New Year. As the politicos fight in the background -- in the foreground we can save gas and keep our healthcare costs down, just by cycling around. And if your bikes are as goofy looking as mine, you'll also have plenty of change to smile at curious passers-by. Smiles are nice in the cold.
cheers, Joan