Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tomato Central

The garden tomatoes have hit town. Folks are eating as many of the homegrown beauties as they can--and now are giving away bagfuls at coffee. When you want to use a lot of tomatoes while preserving their vineripe flavor, here's a local trick:
Chop up a bunch of tomatoes, garlic and fresh basil. Put tomatoes in three equal piles, with the sweetest tomatoes in pile #3.
Saute the first pile of toms and most of the garlic in a skillet with a little pre-heated olive oil.
After a few moments (garlic is browned) add second pile of toms. Cook for about a minute.
Turn OFF the heat. Add pile #3 of toms, the basil and the rest of garlic. Toss and wait for a few minutes. Add salt, red pepper flakes, grated hard cheese if you wish.
So some toms are cooked and some are raw. Tastes like heaven. Can put on pasta, sourdough bread, polenta or anything.
Enjoy it with some Pinot Grigio, or my preference, Sauvignon Blanc.

This week's fitness tip comes from my sister Karen. Do your hips sometimes hurt? Yeah, I thought so.
Whenever you can, sit cross-legged on the floor. Even better, put your hands on the floor, palms down, right behind you. That's it. So simple even Dave could do it.
It stretches out the tightness from walking, biking, sitting on a chair and just living.


Unknown said...

Joan, thanks for the heads up about your blog -- how do you find the time? It's fun and useful, so we all benefit, right? One comment: the small purple type on black is hard to read, even though the page overall is very stylish. I'll try to remember to check in periodically. Cheers, Colleen

tonysv said...

Smokey skies didn't allow me enough tomatoes. Cool site. Is this the latest post?

Joan Voight said...

Colleen, I fixed the purple type to make it brighter and Tony is right by hinting I should post more often. I'll work on that--between trips.
thanks for the comments

Joan Voight said...

Colleen, I fixed the purple type to make it brighter and Tony is right by hinting I should post more often. I'll work on that--between trips.
thanks for the comments